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Announcement on 22/08/2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007 11:18 PM

Date: 22/08/2007

To Sec 1 - 2 cadets,

Please note that there will be training this Friday, 24 August 2007,
from 2.30pm to 6.30pm. Fall-in in mufti.

Things to bring:
1) 1.5l coke bottle
2) Mufti
3) Full-Uniform
4) Sec 1s: First Aid Notes
5) Sec 2s: RCK Bronze and Silver Notes
6) Writing materials

1) Sec 1 I/C: Nazir
2) Sec 2 I/C: Zheng Hui
3) Sec 2 cadets, if you have not passed your RCK Bronze, study for it.
If you have passed, study for RCK Silver.

Announcement on 16/08/2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007 3:44 PM

Date: 16/8/2007

To Sec 1 - 2 cadets,

Please note that there will be training this Friday, 17 August 2007,
from 2.30pm to 6.30pm. Attire will be mufti.

Things to bring:
1) 1.5l coke bottle
2) Evacuation Bronze Notes and Boots (Only Sec 1s)
3) Evacuation Silver Notes and Boots (Only Sec 2s)
4) Writing materials

1) Sec 1 I/C: Benjamin
2) Sec 2 I/C: Xin Yi

Minor Website Improvements
Monday, August 6, 2007 8:00 PM

1. The website has gone through some simple improvements, for example the CSS coding is more legible and thus can be upgraded easily and the new links for the accreditation notes are now complete.

2. The links are linked directly from the SRCY website, and come in a PDF Adobe Reader format. I am sure everyone is able to read this format. In case of any problems, please drop me an email at, and also if there is any problem accessing the links, or if the links become broken.

3. The current notes we have are:
Date: 6th August 2007
The complete Standard First Aid Syallabus
The complete Outdoor Activities Syallabus
The complete Footdrill Syallabus
Bronze and Silver Evacuation Syallabus

Webmaster Koh Jia Ming

P.S., as the SRCY website is updating soon, so keep you eyes peeled for
more notes coming right up.

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Tanjong Katong Red Cross Youth
©2009 TKRCY. Copyrighted under the Creative Commons license

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