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Announcement on 27/2/2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013 10:54 PM

To: All Cadets

There will be training this Friday, 1/3/2012, from 2.30pm- 6.30pm. Please consume your lunch before training starts. 

Attire: Unit tee and Mufti (Secondary 1s will wear PE Shirt and Mufti)

Things to bring:

Secondary 1:

  1. 500ml bottle (Standerdised/ use the same bottle)
  2. Writing Materials
  3. Outdoor Activities Bronze Notes (Obtainable under Resources tab)
  4. Footdrill Bronze Notes  (Obtainable under Resources tab)
IC: Nicole

Secondary 2:
  1. 500ml bottle 
  2. Writing Materials
  3. Red File
  4. Evacuation Silver Notes
  5. Footdrill Silver Notes  
IC: Nikki

Secondary 3:
  1. 500ml bottle
  2. Writing Materials
  3. Red File
IC: Garrick

SSG Lean Ying Jie

Announcement on 13/2/13
Wednesday, February 13, 2013 9:07 PM

To: All cadets

There will be training this Friday, 15/2/13 from 2.30-6.30pm. Please Fall-in in front of the Red Cross notice board at 2.30pm sharp. Please have your lunch first before coming. Secondary 1 cadets are to print out the appropriate notes at the resource section of the blog before coming for training. Secondary 2 and 3 cadets are to bring your pledge cards and the money you collected as well.
Attire: Unit tee(PE shirt for Secondary 1) and Mufti

Things to bring:
Secondary 1:

  1. 500ml bottle
  2. Writing Materials
  3. Red Cross Knowledge (RCK) Notes
  4. Footdrill Bronze Notes
IC: Timothy
Secondary 2:
  1. 500ml bottle
  2. Red file
  3. Writing Materials
  4. Evacuation Silver notes
  5. Footdrill Silver Notes
IC:Xin Ying
Secondary 3:
  1. 500ml bottle
  2. Red file
  3. Writing Materials

SSG Eric Goh

Who We Are
Tanjong Katong Red Cross Youth
©2009 TKRCY. Copyrighted under the Creative Commons license

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